2021 Keystone RV Springdale 282BH
Dealership Information
Select Auto & RV
Switzer & Son Select Auto & RV Sales
4805 South Gilcrease Exp West
Tulsa, OK 74107
Dimensions: 32 ft 0.08 in (385 in) long, 8 ft (96 in) wide, and 11 ft 0.25 in (135 in) high
Weight: 6,783 lb dry weight, 1,817 lb payload capacity, and 8,600 lb GVWR
Holding tanks: 52 gal fresh water, 69 gal gray water, and 39 gal black water
Propane tanks: Two tanks with a total capacity of 9.4 gal
Slideout: One power retractable slideout
Awning: One 18 ft (216 in) power retractable awning
Doors: Two doors
Construction: Wood body and aluminum sidewalls
The 2021 Keystone Springdale 282BH is a family RV with a bunkhouse, two entry/exit doors, and large windows.
Visit Switzer & Son Select Auto Sales online at www.switzerandson.com to see more pictures of this vehicle or call us at 918-299-3361 today to schedule your test drive.